Friday, November 30, 2007

Rain, existential crisis and another chicken.

You know how if you have been writing or reading for too long the words stop making sense, and suddenly you look at the word "house" and it looks wrong and you wonder whether its actually spelled Haus or Hows or perhaps the letter "H" is all a crazy invention of your brain? That's how I have been feeling about everything lately. Am I really here in this cold, wet corner of the world where it never snows and the sun withholds favors for half the year? Am I really studying this 'medicine' that has a system--but it can't be explained by the system I know (and was raised to believe in more than religion), when it's sending me up to my ears in debt and I am not really enjoying my academic experience? I know, its winter in Oregon, its my first term, and I still have my painting. So here's Ginevra (Ginny). She's beautiful.


Stella said...

You still have your painting, and you still have your ever-growing menagerie, for snorglings and for eggs and for painting subjects.

It sucks, but I know you'll figure it out, my smart lady. In the meantime, Ginny is a mighty handsome hen.

merpez lamor said...

Your pain. I feels it. Sorry to hear about the rough times, and send warm fuzzies across the continent. We should hang out when I come to PDX again... next weekend!

Courtney said...

Hang in there lady!

I remember when acupunture was the best part of your week.

The winter here gives us all doubts and I know you will emerge victorious!

Nice hens! I must say they are far prettier than the cocks ;)