Wednesday, April 25, 2007

In a blue jay way

This is a re-used canvas from a piece I started in 2002, while I was taking a class on the Pre-Raphaelites. The original idea was to have the gold border frame a transcription of one of D.G. Rossetti's sonnets from The House of Life, which is, of course, the best piece of literature ever to have been exhumed from a Victorian woman's grave. I painted the background over the old text with my leftover paint from a cock-fight piece I am hating right now, and then decided I needed a blue subject for the foreground. His fat little body and earnest expression inspired me. Please suggest names, he longs for an identity. But not Jay.


merpez lamor said...

How about... Jake.

Courtney said...

OOoh more birds, I love the Scrub Jay and on that background it is wonderful, Jays deserve more respect!

Stella said...

goddamnit, all i can think of to call him is flufferkins. (yes you are, yes you are you blue little... okay, i'll stop now.)

Courtney said...

I like Henri, he is clearly a francophile.